Danieletto&Co understands the logistics for organisational success
Our competitive edge comes from our people, skills, insights and eclectic


Danieletto&Co has been formed to fill the gap. The gap between supply chain consultancies and business growth. The problem with the conventional supply chain consultancy is that they are rigid in their thinking and delivery. They look to automate to reduce costs, and provide solutions confined to the existing supply chain structure.

We are design thinkers, brand ambassadors, strategists, analysts and most of all customers looking to remove the traditional approaches to solving issues. We are implementing ideas that create purpose for the end customer, not meet the customers’ expectations. This disruption is the driving force behind Danieletto&Co.

We combine design thinking with commercial acumen to create a unique value proposition to customers that transcend the transactional relationship and meet the growing need in providing purpose to their market offering.

It’s not enough to just reduce costs and to optimize processes. It’s about end to end supply chains that maximise customer utility, that create an experiential purpose in the ultimate consumer’s life. Supply chains are not just the conduit for product flow, they encapsulate the integrity of the whole organisational network. Organisations no longer compete with each other, it is now supply chain vs. supply chain.

Danieletto&Co focuses on four cardinal constituents; people, product, information and funds. The way these fundamental underpinnings are utilised throughout the supply chain will dictate success or failure. We remove the traditional mindset of cost minimisation or profit maximisation and replace it with a customer centric design that maximises supply chain surplus, employee engagement and operational excellence.

How We Do It

We bring the art and science of business together to help our clients create a unique one that inspires, connects, and makes the impossible possible.

The services that we offer

Your path forward
latest thinking